Incredible Health Benefits of Essential Oils in Daily Life.
Over the past few decades, the popularity of complementary and alternative medicine has increased, and essential oils are one of them. As per the Global Aromatherapy Market Analysis, the overall market of global aromatherapy is expected to grow by 8% by 2024. Now, one question will surely pop up in your mind that what exactly essential oils are and how they differ from fragrance oil? Generally, people get confused between

How Ancient Steam-Distilled Rosewater Is Made? Benefits Of Kannauj Rosewater for your Skin and Hair.
Why Kannauj rosewater is the best in India? Steam-distilled rosewater is versatile in a lot of ways. Its use is indispensable for beauty products. Also, it can be used on its own for bettering once appearance as well due to its medicinal properties. One of its practical uses is getting an even tone of and scenting the skin. First of all, why is natural rose water so useful? The most widespread